Legion of Shadows

LOS has been around since the early days of the original Xbox console. We were big into FPS games such as the original Halo 1 & 2, Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell and more. Our group has changed over the years, although many of us are still around on consoles, we are currently centered primarily around SW:TOR. This site is built around our in-game guild which is currently active on -servername-.


We are actively recruiting new members! Fill out the form located in the Recruits section to be considered to join LOS. Once granted membership your in-game character will be invited to join the guild, and you will be added to our members page located here on LOSHQ.


Our website is maintained by Reaper, and updated regularly. If you have any suggestions for features send them to admin@legionofshadows.ca or contact me in-game.